We would like to share the success and impact of the Radio Club’s initiative, “Kalathraya,” an intra-school competition designed to enhance the technical knowledge of our students. This project has not only contributed significantly to the skill development of our own students but has also facilitated the exchange of knowledge among participants from various schools.

“Kalathraya” stands out as a platform that encourages innovation, technical expertise, and collaborative learning within our school community. The competition has become a hub for students to showcase their talents and broaden their understanding of various technical domains.

It brings us immense pride to see how “Kalathraya” has served as a catalyst for knowledge-sharing, not only within our school but also across other educational institutions. The participation of students from different schools has created a dynamic learning environment, fostering a spirit of healthy competition and camaraderie. “Kalathraya” has proven to be an effective avenue for students to gain practical insights and technical know-how, contributing to their holistic development.

As we celebrate the success of “Kalathraya,” we look forward to more initiatives that continue to nurture the intellectual growth and collaborative spirit of our students.

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